In 1910, Theodore Roosevelt was giving a speech in France that has come to be known as The Man in the Arena. At one point he says, "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood . . ." If there were ever a man in the arena, it's Jesus of Nazareth. In this series we're going to learn from Jesus' time in the arena and be challenged to step into the arena in our faith.
The Man in the Arena (1-5-20)
Joy Giver (1-12-20)
Life Giver (1-19-20)
Community Sunday (1-26-20)
The Real Jesus (2-2-20)
A Stunning Portrait of the Man in the Arena (2-9-20)
Two Kinds of People in the Arena (2-16-20)
Arena Light (2-23-20)
The Good Shepherd (3-1-20)
Generosity (3-15-20)
Transformation of the Mind (3-22-20)